Play the sims 1 online in a website
Play the sims 1 online in a website

I saved that thread on MTS so I could go back and post some pics when I finally got it up and running and just looking back over the thread now that was April so 5 months ago and still I have not got to play but I had to save up for this current desktop upgrade and then buy an old laptop with the right specs to play 1 which now the upgrade is paid off I can have the laptop in the next three weeks or so. That was me on the thread you outline on MTS lol I had just got sims 1 and was dying to play it but just could not resolve the blur on the sim I tried everything and more but nothing made any difference so I uninstalled it with a view to trying again in the future but I think the graphics may be worse after this current upgrade so I am not even going to try.

play the sims 1 online in a website

I have always upgraded because of sims 3 as I like to play in massive worlds and that needs decent hardware.

play the sims 1 online in a website

450 card with graphics like that I cannot believe it lol I appreciate you may use a screenshot program but i doubt you could cover game blur up with that could you?

Play the sims 1 online in a website